


四兄弟 (2006)


主演:Lior Ashkenazi  Aki Avni  Losi Dovintzik  

导演:Uri Barbash  又名:



They were four friends in heart & soul. Blood Brothers that were that were bound together by their army experience. They were good people & decent citizens. They had love, careers, hopes, a future - but they wanted more. They wanted to commit the perfect crime. They thought that if they will plan things out completely and won't leave anything to the chance, as they learned in the army, things would go smooth. They considered everything, anticipating every step that can go wrong and planning down to the minutest of details - assuming that the outcome will be as planned. But the reality is something totally different from what optimistic people want it to be; The reality always surprises those who try to engineer it. Salt Of The Earth - At times behind common sense hides insanity. Inside the power - weakness is gazing. In the heart of the courage - fear is gnawing. Behind the friendship lies betrayal. Written by q 剧情片四兄弟高清在线观看由没事影院整理于网络,并免费提供四兄弟剧照,四兄弟hdbd高清版,四兄弟酷播在线播放等资源,在线播放有酷播,腾讯视频,优酷视频,爱奇艺视频等多种在线播放模式,在播放不流畅的情况下可以尝试切换播放源。观看《四兄弟》切勿长时间用眼过度,避免用眼疲劳,如果你喜欢这部片子,可以分享给你的亲朋好友一起免费观看。没事影院收集各类经典电影,是电影爱好者不二的网站选择!