


莫奈:睡莲的水光魔法 (2018)



导演:Giovanni Troilo  又名: 莫内:睡莲的水光魔法(台)



Water Lilies by Monet – the Magic of Water and Light tells the story of the origin of a massive work of art that broke with convention, of an artist resurrecting his life only thanks to painting. His human endeavor defied both space and conventions in his timeless masterpieces. In a war-torn country, the undisputed genius of French Art disrupted the art world and changes it forever. As the end of the First World War drew near it became clear to Monet that his work of art could not but be his final legacy to France: a symbol of peace, hope, and resistance, in a battered and bloody world. This is the tale of an obsession with light and water the painter could not escape from and how he transformed it into a kind of magic. A tale of the radical elements that revolutionized Modern Art: Monet’s clear intent was to transfer onto canvas the “first, pure impression” of forms and objects as they appear to the eye that has never seen them before.   And this documentary will show the Water Lilies by Claude Monet, as they have never been seen before. A unique, exclusive look at the masterpieces housed at the Orangerie Museum, the Marmottan Museum, the Orsay Museum and Giverny, for the first time ever on the big screen for an unrepeatable experience.   Inspired by the international bestseller Mad Enchantment: Claude Monet and the Painting of the Water Lilies (2016) written by Ross King, also featured in the film. 战争片莫奈:睡莲的水光魔法高清在线观看由没事影院整理于网络,并免费提供莫奈:睡莲的水光魔法剧照,莫奈:睡莲的水光魔法hdbd高清版,莫奈:睡莲的水光魔法酷播在线播放等资源,在线播放有酷播,腾讯视频,优酷视频,爱奇艺视频等多种在线播放模式,在播放不流畅的情况下可以尝试切换播放源。观看《莫奈:睡莲的水光魔法》切勿长时间用眼过度,避免用眼疲劳,如果你喜欢这部片子,可以分享给你的亲朋好友一起免费观看。没事影院收集各类经典电影,是电影爱好者不二的网站选择!
