


欧文的网球赛 (2012)


主演:卡梅隆·莫纳汉  /  古列雷莫·迪亚兹  /  凯文·苏斯曼  

导演:蒂姆·克里克曼  又名:



Owen "Game Set" Match is one of the top tennis pros in town, employed by the prestigious Fountain Club, with sun-bleached hair, gimp knees, and tan lines that make the women swoon. But when a history of bad decisions finally catches up to him, he's forced to pick up the pieces of his faltering career at the local YMCA club, where dysfunction is the norm. At the Y, a gang of culturally diverse, potentially psychotic, ADHD, OCD, and potentially half-special pros eagerly await Owen's tutelage. Owen immediately takes a liking to his new boss, Sherry, and befriends her son Jake in an attempt to hook up with the mother. But can Owen find meaning in life in the most unlikely of places? Can T-Shirts really talk? How many hard-boiled eggs can a tennis pro eat? Can an arm really die? What's it like to crap in a van with no windows? Owen reunites with his crazy high school coach 喜剧片欧文的网球赛高清在线观看由没事影院整理于网络,并免费提供欧文的网球赛剧照,欧文的网球赛hdbd高清版,欧文的网球赛酷播在线播放等资源,在线播放有酷播,腾讯视频,优酷视频,爱奇艺视频等多种在线播放模式,在播放不流畅的情况下可以尝试切换播放源。观看《欧文的网球赛》切勿长时间用眼过度,避免用眼疲劳,如果你喜欢这部片子,可以分享给你的亲朋好友一起免费观看。没事影院收集各类经典电影,是电影爱好者不二的网站选择!