


圣域第一季 (2014)


主演:克里斯托弗·艾甘  /  汤姆·威斯多姆  /  罗姗妮·麦琪  /  阿兰·戴尔  /  罗莎琳德·霍尔斯特德  

导演:斯科特·查尔斯·斯图瓦特  又名:





[美剧] 圣域/dominion 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

剧本 台词 字幕 笔记 中英文对照 纯英文 学英语 文本 pdf 文档 电子版 纸质版

该剧改编自2010年电影《基督再临》(legion),故事发生在电影时间的25年之后。天使军团与人类的战争彻底改变了地球的模样,人们熟知的世界已经彻底毁灭,但终极战争尚未到来。在该剧中,桀骜不驯的年轻士兵alex lannen(christopher egan)发现自己竟然是人类的救世主——虽然他并不情愿承担这个责任。alan dale扮演rysen将军,领导人类在灭绝战争(exterminati[展开全文]


该剧改编自2010年电影《基督再临》(legion),故事发生在电影时间的25年之后。天使军团与人类的战争彻底改变了地球的模样,人们熟知的世界已经彻底毁灭,但终极战争尚未到来。在该剧中,桀骜不驯的年轻士兵alex lannen(christopher egan)发现自己竟然是人类的救世主——虽然他并不情愿承担这个责任。alan dale扮演rysen将军,领导人类在灭绝战争(extermination war)中取得了阶段性胜利。他现在统治着vega(原拉斯维加斯城)——战争结束后仅存的四座人类城市之一。vega完全实习军事化管理,社会等级森严,rysen必须竭尽全力才能维持社会的稳定并处理好政治上的事情。与此同时,他还要确保自己的女儿claire不惹是非。

tom wisdom扮演大天使战团中最杰出的勇士michael(米迦勒,电影中由paul bettany扮演),他在灭绝战争期间帮助人类击败天使战团。他现在住在vega城,利用他的超自然能力来保护城中居民不受敌人的攻击。anthony stewart head扮演vega议院推选的总统david weel,和rysen将军一起治理vega。他渴求权力,时常与rysen将军发生矛盾。他不惜使用一切手段来确保vega的稳定并巩固自己的统治地位。roxanne mckee扮演rysen将军的女儿claire rysen,在vega相当于一个公主。她生活在vega上流社会的顶层,但她意志坚强,比一般的富家千金更有魄力。luke allen-gale扮演david weel的儿子william weel,他对政治不感兴趣,只想帮助老百姓。他现在是救赎者教堂的负责人。shivani ghai扮演helena外交官arika(非常规角色)。helena是一个神秘的母系社会,非常好战。他们盘踞在原来的盐湖城,与vega维持着脆弱的和平。

曾经参与创作并导演《基督再临》的scott stewart将导演首集。


his angels held man responsible, and declared war on humanity.


the archangel gabriel led this war of extermination, hoping to rid the world of humans and claim dominion over it.

=> 加布里埃尔天使领导了这场灭绝战争,希望摆脱人类的世界,并要求统治这个世界。

some higher angels refused to take sides, but the lower angels joined gabriel.

=> 一些更高的天使拒绝支持,但低级天使加入了加百列。

these lesser spirits lacked bodies, so their first line of attack was to steal ours.

=> 这些小精灵缺乏身体,所以他们的第一线攻击就是偷我们的。

but michael, the greatest of all archangels, chose to fight for man.

=> 但是,最伟大的大天使迈克尔选择了为人而战。

with his help, the survivors struck back and built strongholds to defend themselves.

=> 在他的帮助下,幸存者反击,建立据点为自己辩护。

soon, word spread of a baby michael had saved, a child who would grow up to be mankind's savior.

=> 不久,迈克尔小孩的话语得到了拯救,一个长大成为人类救世主的孩子。

this chosen one would be known by the markings on his body.

=> 这个被选中的人将被他身上的标记所知晓。

finally, gabriel and his army retreated, and we were left with the realization that not only are angels real they are our most hated enemies.

=> 最后,加百列和他的军队撤退了,我们留下了这样的认识:不仅天使是真实的,他们是我们最讨厌的敌人。

join us.

=> 加入我们。

we have an empty seat.

=> 我们有一个空座位。


=> 一个。

lannon, pass code 2271.

=> 兰农,通行码2271。

open the gates.

=> 打开大门。


=> 一个。

lannon, pass code 2271.

=> 兰农,通行码2271。

i've got an angel in pursuit.

=> 我有一个追求天使。

- what have you got? - 2271, respond! distress call, sir.

=> - 你有什么? - 2271,回应!先生,求救电话。

one of ours.

=> 我们的一个。

where the hell are you guys? open the damn gate! should i let him in, sir? open the gate! a.

=> 你到底在哪里?打开该死的门!我应该让他进来吗,先生?打开门!一个。

lannon! passcode warning, perimeter breach.

=> 兰顿!密码警告,周界违规。

warning, perimeter breach.

=> 警告,外围违规。

now entering security zone five.

=> 现在进入安全区五。

now entering security zone five.

=> 现在进入安全区五。

all right, all right, easy.

=> 好的,好的,简单的

yeah, okay.

=> 好的。

possession negative.

=> 持有否定。

lannon! what the hell were you doing outside the city without authorization? it was two-for-one buffet at the flamingo.

=> 兰顿!你到底在城外做了什么?这是火烈鸟二对一的自助餐。

i just couldn't miss it.

=> 我只是不能错过它。

what do you think i was doing? you saw the eight ball.

=> 你以为我在做什么?你看到了八个球。

it wasn't just one of 'em.

=> 这不仅是他们之一。

there was a whole group of 'em.

=> 有一大群他们。

- we need to tell riesen.

=> 我们需要告诉riesen

- no.

=> - 没有

take him to the archangel.

=> 带他去大天使。

he's one of his men.

=> 他是他的一个人。

- aw, man.

=> - 噢,伙计。

- i'll report to riesen.

=> - 我会向瑞森汇报

you were a naughty boy tonight.

=> 你今晚是一个顽皮的男孩。

you shouldn't indulge me.

=> 你不应该放纵我

these evenings would be much more enjoyable if you didn't hate yourself after.

=> 如果你以后不恨自己,这些晚上会更加愉快。

any risk, no matter how small, that i might have children is too great.

=> 任何风险,无论多么小,我可能有孩子太多了。

would it be such a bad thing? vega needs children.

=> 会不会是一件坏事?维加需要孩子。

not children like that.

=> 不是那样的孩子。

this has to stop.

=> 这必须停止。

then stop.

=> 然后停下来

market access is restricted to v-4 and above.

=> 市场准入仅限于v-4及以上。

market access is restricted to v-4 and above.

=> 市场准入仅限于v-4及以上。

a regal jubilee, only at the whele arena.

=> 一个豪华的禧年,只有在whele竞技场。

don't miss it! this city's going to hell.

=> 不要错过!这个城市会下地狱。

exiting the city with a vehicle is a realigning offense.

=> 用车辆离开这座城市是一种冒犯的行为。

you're gonna get purged down to v-0 for this.

=> 你会被清除到这个v - 0。

it's an untouchable.

=> 这是一个不可触摸的。

it's better than making a home in michael's ass to be a v-3 like you.

=> 这比在迈克尔的屁股上做一个像你一样的v-3更好。

how'd you do it? you reprogram one of the gates? crack the surveillance? leave the whip.

=> 你怎么做的?你重新编程其中一个门?破解监视?离开鞭子。

you know the rules and why they exist.

=> 你知道规则和为什么存在。

everything in vega has a purpose.

=> vega中的一切都有其目的。

that's how the city survives.

=> 这就是城市如何生存

founding law.

=> 建立法律。

"for the protection and good of all, gates are inviolable.

=> “为了所有人的保护和利益,大门是不可侵犯的。

" we have a right to leave.


we all do.

=> 大家都这样做。

no, you don't.

=> 不,你不知道。

tell me about the angels.

=> 告诉我关于天使。

there were three of 'em, all eight balls.

=> 他们有三个,全是八个球。

but something about them was different.

=> 但是关于他们的东西是不同的。

one of them could change his body.

=> 其中一人可能会改变他的身体。

a soldier.

=> 一个士兵。

he had wings.

=> 他有翅膀。

where were they? a couple miles down the strip.

=> 他们在哪里?几英里的地带。

- what were they doing? - playing texas hold 'em.

=> - 他们在干什么? - 玩德州扑克。

not kidding.

=> 不开玩笑。

and what were you doing out there? you know the punishment for going outside the walls.

=> 那你在外面干什么?你知道去外面的惩罚。

i'm gonna be purged? no, you're archangel corps.

=> 我会被清除?不,你是天使军团。

but if you ever do anything like this again, i'll not spare you.

=> 但如果你再次做这样的事情,我不会放过你的。

do you understand me? stand up.

=> 你明白我说的吗?站起来。

i think that's enough, michael.

=> 迈克尔,我觉得这就够了。

he's learned his lesson.

=> 他吸取了教训。

right, boy? tell no one about what you saw.

=> 对,男孩?不要告诉任何人你所看到的。

not a word about the eight balls to anyone.

=> 对任何人来说,八个球都不是一个字。

now, go report for duty.

=> 现在去报到。

he shouldn't be outside the walls.

=> 他不应该在墙外。

the ruins are too dangerous.

=> 废墟太危险了。

the boy has been sneaking out since he was a child.

=> 这个男孩从小就一直在偷偷溜出去。

he knows vega better than anyone.

=> 他比任何人都更了解维加。

- he needs discipline.

=> 他需要纪律

- perhaps.

=> - 也许。

but after what he did for claire, i owe him.

=> 但是在他为克莱尔做了什么之后,我欠他的。

the eight ball came right up to the gate.

=> 八球直奔大门。

they're back.

=> 他们回来了

in the war, the entire lower rank of angels joined gabriel, but unlike archangels, gabriel's lower angels, the dogs of heaven, they were lesser spirits without a physical form, and they couldn't visit earth without a body, so they stole ours.

=> 在战争中,天使的全部低级加入加布里埃尔,但不像大天使,加布里埃尔的低级天使,天堂的狗,他们没有一个物理形式的灵魂,他们不能没有身体访问地球,所以他们偷走了我们的。

then came whispers of a chosen child who would grow up to lead mankind out of darkness, and his legend quickly spread, giving humanity hope, a reason to fight back, and the angels hated it.

=> 然后低声说出一个长大的孩子,导致人类远离黑暗,他的传奇迅速传开,给了人类的希望,一个反击的理由,天使们讨厌它。

now, it's said that michael acted alone, saved the child, and hid him in such a way that not even michael knows where he is.

=> 现在,据说迈克尔独自一人,救了孩子,把他藏起来,甚至连迈克尔都不知道他在哪里。

- you're late.

=> - 你迟到了。

- yeah, sorry, i got held up.

=> - 对不起,我被阻止了。

- asshole.

=> - 混蛋。

- you're an asshole.

=> - 你是个混蛋

we continue to hope no, to believe that the chosen one, our savior, will someday reveal himself to us.

=> 我们仍然希望不,相信我们的救世主,将会有一天向我们显示自己。

is there anything else i can help you with tonight, ma'am? what happened to your head? there were eight balls by the truck.

=> 夫人,今晚有什么我可以帮你的吗?你的头怎么了?卡车上有八个球。

what? your father told me not to say anything, so you have to keep quiet.

=> 什么?你父亲告诉我不要说什么,所以你必须保持安静。

alex, they attacked you.

=> 亚历克斯,他们袭击了你。

that's what they do.

=> 这就是他们所做的。

i'm fine.

=> 我很好。

you need to speak to your dad.

=> 你需要跟你爸爸说

i know.

=> 我知道。

i know.

=> 我知道。

i will tonight.

=> 我今晚会。

i've asked to see him.

=> 我要求见他

i'll tell him about us, and i will get his permission to marry.

=> 我会告诉他关于我们,我会获得他的允许结婚。

but you still have to do the knee and the ring thing.

=> 但你还是要做膝盖和戒指的事情。

what? alex, he'll say yes.


trust me.

=> 相信我。

i know him.

=> 我认识他。

you're my shield.

=> 你是我的盾牌

you took a knife for me.

=> 你为我拿了一把刀。

there is no me without you.

=> 没有你,没有我。

we're different, you and i.

=> 我们不一样,你和我。

yeah, what? you think you know him better than i do.

=> 是啊,什么?你以为你比我更了解他。

i know the system better than you.

=> 我比你更了解这个系统。

claire, the truck is ready.

=> 克莱尔,卡车准备好了。

we have enough supplies to easily make it to delphi.

=> 我们有足够的用品,很容易使其德尔福。

claire, they don't have numbers there.

=> 克莱尔,他们在那里没有数字。

everyone is equal.

=> 每个人都是平等的。

we could start a new life, but it's got to be tomorrow night.

=> 我们可以开始新的生活,但明天晚上应该是。

the city will be busy with the jubilee, and you could slip out.

=> 这座城市将在禧年忙碌,你可以溜出去。

but it won't come to that.

=> 但不会这样。

he'll say yes.

=> 他会说是的。

but if he doesn't, wherever you go, i follow.

=> 但是,如果他不,无论你走到哪里,我都会跟随。

okay? what's your name, soldier? alex lannon, v-2.

=> 好的?你叫什么名字,士兵? alex lannon,v-2。

the house riesen, aa corp.

=> aa公司众议院riesen

alex lannon.

=> alex lannon。

it's against our law for you to be alone with claire, alex, so next time make sure you're accompanied by another guard.

=> 你和克莱尔,亚历克斯单独在一起,这是违反我们的法律的,所以下次要确保你有另一名后卫陪同。

- principate.

=> - principate。

- please, claire, not you.

=> - 请,克莱尔,不是你。

i'm still the same william you played marbles with in this room.

=> 我仍然是你在这个房间玩弹珠的威廉。

yes, and always be.

=> 是的,永远是。

yeah, maybe you should call me principate.

=> 对,也许你应该叫我principate。

it does sound much better when it comes from you.

=> 这听起来好多了。

you missed services tonight.

=> 你今晚错过了服务。

- i was teaching.

=> - 我在教书。

- that's right.

=> - 那就对了。

you know, i admire your work with vega's less fortunate.

=> 你知道,我很佩服你和维加不那么幸运的工作。

you of all people know how important it is that our faith must be nurtured.

=> 你们所有的人都知道我们的信仰必须得到培育是多么的重要。

it must be kept like a promise.

=> 它必须保持像一个承诺。

it troubles me that so many of vega's citizens have forgotten this simple truth.

=> 令我困扰的是,许多维加的公民已经忘记了这个简单的事实。


=> 是。

- well, let us pray.

=> - 好,让我们祈祷吧。

- yes.

=> - 是的。

hey, bix.

=> 嘿,比克

what'd you do now? i got on the wrong side of the peacock.

=> 你现在做了什么?我坐在孔雀的一边。

riesen stepped in.

=> 里森走了进来。

you should keep out of anything to do with the tops.

=> 你应该避免与顶部做任何事情。

yeah, they're no different than us.

=> 是的,他们和我们没有什么不同。

they just got a better number.

=> 他们刚刚得到了更好的数字。

when's the last time you ate? here.

=> 你最后一次吃什么时候?这里。

i ate at the palace.

=> 我在宫殿吃了。

you want to know a secret? one day, we're gonna live somewhere where there aren't any numbers, where we aren't told what to do, what to eat, where to sleep, and whom to marry.

=> 你想知道一个秘密?有一天,我们会生活在一个没有任何数字的地方,我们不知道该怎么做,吃什么,睡觉和结婚。

one day, we're gonna be free.

=> 有一天,我们会自由的。

- promise? - i promise.

=> - 诺言? - 我承诺。

stay close the next day or so.

=> 第二天左右关闭。

something big's gonna happen, and whichever way it goes, you're coming with me.

=> 有一件大事要发生,不管发生什么事,你都跟我一起走。

- consul.

=> - 领事

- general.

=> - 一般。

oh, lookee here.

=> 哦,在这里lookee。

i asked the horticulturist to grow these on the agri-towers.

=> 我问园艺师在农田里种植这些东西。

i never much cared for berries.

=> 我从来没有很多关心浆果。

there was an angel attack on a soldier outside the walls today.

=> 今天有一个天使在城墙外的士兵进攻。

small group, three angels.

=> 小组,三个天使。

easily destroyed.

=> 容易被毁坏。

not all of 'em.

=> 不是全部。

one survived.

=> 一个幸存下来。

don't worry.

=> 别担心

it's been taken care of.

=> 这已经被照顾了。

but the archangel is concerned, and you should be too.

=> 但大天使担心,你也应该这样做。

michael sees evil portent in everything and everyone.

=> 迈克尔在所有事物和每个人身上看到邪恶的预兆。

it was an isolated incident, nothing more.

=> 这是一个孤立的事件,仅此而已。

no further sightings on our long-range scans.

=> 我们的远程扫描没有更多的目击。

we deployed the drone.

=> 我们部署了无人机。

all clear.

=> 全清。

we don't want it getting out.

=> 我们不希望它出去。

it could cause panic.

=> 这可能会导致恐慌。

perhaps that wouldn't be a bad thing.

=> 也许这不会是一件坏事。

we've done our jobs too well.

=> 我们做得太好了。

vega has grown complacent, lazy.

=> 维加已经自满了,懒惰。

so are you looking forward to the announcement at the jubilee? yes.

=> 那么你是否期待在禧年公布?是。

tomorrow, then.

=> 那么明天吧。

i've been guarding david whele for six months.

=> 我一直在守卫大卫·维勒六个月。

i finally saw what he feeds that tiger of his.

=> 我终于看到他喂他那只老虎了。

it's not a tiger.

=> 这不是老虎。

it's a lion.

=> 这是一只狮子。

is there a difference? - yeah, stripes.

=> 有区别吗? - 是的,条纹。

- whatever.

=> - 随你。

it gets steak for dinner dry-aged porterhouse.

=> 晚餐干腌制的软饮料店里吃牛排。

when was the last time you even tasted beef? cat's one of a kind.

=> 你上次什么时候吃牛肉了?猫是独一无二的。

we're a dime a dozen.

=> 我们十几块钱。

speak for yourself.

=> 为自己说话。

- hey, boys.

=> - 嘿,男孩。

- noma.

=> - noma。

hey, ethan, can you weasel your way into a bottle of scotch for me tonight? "weasel"? really? - she means charm your way.

=> 嘿,伊桑,你今晚能不能把你的方式变成一瓶苏格兰威士忌? “黄鼠狼”?真? - 她意味着你的魅力。

- nooo i mean "weasel"! you know what goes great with scotch, noma? porterhouse steak, and i can get some.

=> - 不,我的意思是“黄鼠狼”!你知道吗,苏格兰人,诺玛好吗? porterhouse牛排,我可以得到一些。

my gift to you.

=> 我的礼物给你。

alex, i'll grab one for you too.

=> 亚历克斯,我也会为你拿一个。

we're gonna eat like tigers tonight.

=> 今晚我们要像老虎一样吃。

- lions.

=> - 狮子。

- tigers.

=> - 老虎。

you've been logging some serious overtime - at house riesen.

=> 你已经记录了一些严重的加班 - 在里森大厦。

- i go where i'm told.

=> - 我去哪里告诉。

so general riesen's just decided to tighten security? why wouldn't he? he's lord of the city.

=> 所以里森将军刚刚决定加强安全?他为什么不呢?他是这个城市的主人。

the man's concerned about his daughter's safety.

=> 男人担心女儿的安全。

who said anything about his daughter? no one.

=> 谁对他女儿说了什么?没有人。

it's just you know how he is about claire.

=> 这只是你知道他是如何关于克莱尔。


=> 是啊。

he cares a lot about her, doesn't he? don't the wheles ever sleep? not if there's money to be made.

=> 他关心她很多,不是吗? wheels不睡觉?不,如果有钱可以赚钱。

it's a delegation from helena.

=> 这是来自海伦娜的代表团。

it's been a while since you seen anyone from helena around in these walls.

=> 自从你在这些围墙上看到来自海伦娜的人,已经有一段时间了。

have you ever seen one of their kids before? they keep 'em hidden.

=> 你以前见过他们的孩子吗?他们保持隐藏。

it's their law.

=> 这是他们的法律。

you think that kid's the one? the chosen one's a myth.

=> 你认为那个孩子是那个?选择的是一个神话。

that's something they tell children to give them hope.

=> 这是他们告诉孩子们给他们的希望。

i don't understand why you'd have me travel all this way to see another of your factories.

=> 我不明白为什么你会让我出差到这里来看看你的另一个工厂。

well, this isn't one of our factories.

=> 那么,这不是我们的工厂之一。

has evelyn considered my proposal? she's not ready to join in a treaty with you which may pit us against new delphi.

=> 伊夫林考虑过我的建议吗?她还没准备好和你们加入一个可能让我们反对新德尔福的条约。

trading, yes.

=> 交易,是的。

armaments, a mutual defense pact, not now.

=> 军备,一个共同的防务条约,现在不是。

evelyn wished to give you this.

=> 伊夫林希望给你这个。

a derringer.

=> 一个derringer。

one of these killed abraham lincoln.

=> 其中一人遇害了亚伯拉罕·林肯。

a thoughtful gift.

=> 一个周到的礼物。

you obviously learned a lot about me on your last visit.

=> 在你上次访问中,你显然了解了很多。

a passion for weapons is hard to forget.

=> 对武器的热情是难以忘怀的。

i would prefer you remember me for something more inspiring.

=> 我宁愿你记住我更鼓舞人心的事情。

- and what would that be? - hope.

=> - 那会是什么? - 希望

gone are the days when darkness is something to fear.

=> 黑暗是恐惧的日子已经一去不复返了。

along with food and our medicines, i can offer 500 brides, all of childbearing age, in exchange for the technology to build our own reactor.


there'll be time to negotiate later.

=> 稍后会有时间进行谈判。

my men will show you the bungalows where you can rest and freshen up after your flight.

=> 我的男人会告诉你的平房,你可以休息,并在你的飞行后清新。

thank you, david.

=> 谢谢大卫。

and tomorrow night, you'll be my guests at the yearly jubilee in the grand arena.

=> 明天晚上,你将在grand arena的年度禧年中成为我的客人。

it's a small gesture the house of whele makes to inspire and entertain the city.

=> whele的房子是一个小小的手势,激发和娱乐城市。

- good night, arika.

=> - 晚安,arika。

- good night.

=> - 晚安。

i wonder if the brides she was offering would be spies.

=> 我想知道她提供的新娘是不是间谍。


=> 可能。

we have so much that they don't.

=> 我们有这么多,他们没有。

helena has the only air force in the cradle, a fleet of aircraft they inherited from hill air force base.

=> 海伦娜是摇篮里唯一的空军,是从山地空军基地继承下来的一批飞机。

the cripple riesen won't be an obstacle much longer.

=> 跛子里森将不再是一个障碍。

once we have consolidated our position and you've been made lord of the city, we'll want her as an ally.

=> 一旦我们巩固了我们的地位,你成为了城市的主人,我们将要她作为一个盟友。


=> 吉普车。

i see you still like the highest perch.

=> 我看你仍然是最高的鲈鱼。

it's been 15 years.

=> 已经有15年了

- i thought you were dead.

=> - 我以为你死了。

- hmm.

=> - 嗯。

- what does everyone else think? - the same.

=> - 其他人都在想什么? - 一样。

david whele built you a statue in memoriam.

=> 大卫·韦尔为你建立了一座纪念碑。

that's creepy.

=> 太吓人了。

it's not a good likeness.

=> 这不是一个好的形象。

it looks more like whele than you.

=> 它看起来比你更像whele。

he hasn't changed.

=> 他没有改变。

we all assumed the tattoos were lost to us.

=> 我们都以为纹身失去了我们。


=> 没有。

have you deciphered any of them? it isn't just a language to decipher.

=> 你破译过他们中的任何一个吗?这不仅仅是一种破译的语言。

it's something else.

=> 这是别的。

and from what i could find, there's no historical equivalent.

=> 而从我所能找到的,没有什么历史相同的东西。

much of the last 14 years was spent on wild goose chases, looking for the names of prophets i'd misspelled or tasks i thought i was commanded to carry out.

=> 过去14年的大部分时间都花在雁行上,寻找我拼错的先知们的名字,或者是我以为被命令执行的任务。

unfortunately, the tattoos are indecipherable.

=> 不幸的是,纹身是难以辨认的。

how is he? what's he like? undisciplined, strong-willed, passionate, mercurial.

=> 他怎么样?他怎么样?没有纪律,意志坚强,充满激情,善于交际。


=> 好。

- can you bring him to me? - yes.

=> - 你能把他带到我吗? - 是的。

everything's about to change.

=> 一切即将改变。

war's coming.

=> 战争即将到来

people have lived inside these walls so long they've forgotten they're not prisoners.

=> 人们已经住在这些围墙里面,只要他们忘记了他们不是囚犯。

father, there's something that i need to tell i'm stepping down from ruling vega.

=> 父亲,我需要告诉我正在执政的维加下台。

the city's strong enough to give power back to the people.

=> 这个城市的力量足以把权力交还给人民。

let them make their own way going forward.

=> 让他们以自己的方式前进。

the people are not ready.

=> 人们还没有准备好。

vega is not ready.

=> 维加还没有准备好。

and senator whele will never give up power that easily.

=> 而韦勒参议员绝不会轻易放弃权力。

he won't allow the people to govern themselves.

=> 他不会允许人民自治。

father, if you step down in the name of democracy, he will turn this city into a dictatorship.

=> 父亲,如果以民主的名义下台,他就会把这个城市变成一个专政。

and what do you think it is now? you're a good man.

=> 你觉得现在呢?你是个好人

am i? why now? we have worked so hard to build this city into what it is.

=> 我是吗?为什么现在?我们努力工作,把这座城市建成这个城市。

you can't just give up.

=> 你不能放弃。

i'm not giving up.

=> 我不会放弃。

i'm moving forward.

=> 我正在前进。

so should you.

=> 所以你应该。

you have the strength of character that vega desperately needs, claire.

=> 你有维加迫切需要的品格力量,克莱尔。

you'll be important to its survival, and soon, you'll be called on to protect it.

=> 你的生存很重要,很快你就会被要求保护它。

so what was it you wished to tell me? nothing.

=> 那么你想告诉我什么?没有。

it was nothing.

=> 这没什么。

you're as paranoid as ever.

=> 你和以前一样偏执。

if that were true, you'd be dead.

=> 如果那是真的,你会死的。

tell me about the boy.

=> 告诉我这个男孩

i've never seen any of your children before.

=> 我从来没有见过你的孩子。

why bring him here? roan isn't one of our children.

=> 为什么把他带到这里?罗恩不是我们的孩子。

he's favored by evelyn.

=> 他受到evelyn的青睐。

she dotes on him like an adopted son.

=> 她像个养子一样溺爱他。


=> 哦。

why? he's a savant.

=> 为什么?他是个专家

knows 20 languages, can play a bach piano concerto, recites shakespeare.

=> 知道20种语言,可以演奏巴赫钢琴协奏曲,背诵莎士比亚。

his knowledge of history is astonishing.

=> 他对历史的了解是惊人的。

he's amazing, teaching us many things, but he's painfully shy and needs to be treated gently.

=> 他太神奇了,教我们许多事情,但是他很害羞,需要温柔的对待。

roan wanted to see the great city of vega, and evelyn denies him nothing.

=> 罗恩想看看伟大的维加城,而伊夫林却一点也不否认。

she believes he's special, very special.

=> 她认为他很特别,很特别。

and you? i've never seen a child quite like him.

=> 你呢?我从来没有见过像他这样的孩子。

a boy with those gifts could be useful to vega.

=> 带着这些礼物的男孩可能对维加有用。

he's not for sale.

=> 他不卖。

everything has a price.

=> 一切都有一个价格。

she wants to see you upstairs.

=> 她想在楼上见你

needs some stuff from the supply center for tonight.

=> 今晚需要供应中心的东西。

yes, ma'am.

=> 是的女士。

i need these filled by early afternoon.

=> 我需要在午后时分充满这些。

- yes, ma'am.

=> - 是的女士。

- listen.

=> - 听着。

something is happening with my father that could change everything.

=> 我的父亲正在发生什么事情可以改变一切。

i couldn't bring it up to him.

=> 我无法把它提交给他。

so tonight after the jubilee, we leave as planned.

=> 所以今天晚上在禧年之后,我们按计划离开。

that'll be all.

=> 这将是所有。

thank you.

=> 谢谢。

come with me.

=> 跟我来。

okay, okay, okay.

=> 好的,好的,好的。

you've trained him well, michael.

=> 迈克尔,你训练得很好。

dad? how did you get here? i came back last night to see you, to talk.

=> 爸?你是怎么来到这里?我昨天晚上回来看你,说话。

i'm not interested in anything you have to say.

=> 我对任何你不得不说的东西都不感兴趣。

you gave me up.

=> 你放弃了我

a scribbled note left in the night made that clear.

=> 晚上留下的潦草的音符清晰可辨。

do you remember what it said? i do.

=> 你还记得那是什么意思吗?我做。

"you'll be an orphan now, alex.

=> “你现在是个孤儿,alex。

" i didn't think i'd make it back.


i was 11.

=> 我是11岁。

you left me alone.

=> 你丢下我一个人。

you had michael.

=> 你有迈克尔。

he isn't even human.

=> 他甚至不是人。

human enough to side with us against his own.

=> 人类足以和我们一起反对他自己。

the only one to fight for us.

=> 唯一一个为我们而战的。

without michael, we would've lost the war.

=> 没有迈克尔,我们会失去战争。

alex! nothing's been done that wasn't necessary.

=> 亚历克斯!没有做任何事情,这是没有必要的。

"necessary"? do you realize by making me an orphan, you put me in the lowest caste? a 1.

=> “必要”?你是否意识到让我成为一个孤儿,你把我置于最低等级? a 1。

if i hadn't become a soldier, i wouldn't have had anywhere to sleep or anything to eat.

=> 如果我没有成为军人,我就不会有任何睡觉或吃东西的事情。

you basically left me to die.

=> 你基本上是让我死的

it isn't the life i would have chosen for you.

=> 这不是我为你选择的生活。

none of it is.

=> 没有一个是。


=> 您。

you knew this all along.

=> 你一直都知道这一点。


=> 亚历克斯。

you go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

=> 你回到你爬出来的任何洞。

you don't have a son.

=> 你没有儿子

we need to bring the council together today before the jubilee.

=> 今天在禧年之前,我们需要把议会召集在一起。

did i do the right thing for alex? that remains to be seen.

=> 我为亚历克斯做了正确的事吗?这还有待观察。

they found this at the altar.

=> 他们在祭坛上发现了这件事。

i don't understand.

=> 我不明白。

i know, but the acolytes are still a small and secretive group.


- they can't hide forever.

=> 他们不能永远隐藏

- good.

=> - 很好。

my followers will find them.

=> 我的追随者会找到他们。

keep them searching.

=> 保持他们搜索。

come on inside.

=> 进来吧

he was caught outside the city walls this morning, trying to find a way inside.

=> 今天早上他被抓到了城墙外,试图在里面找到一条路。

you you brought one into the city? people need to be reminded of what we're up against and who's protected them all this time.

=> 你带来了一个进城?需要提醒人们,我们现在正面临的是什么,谁保护了他们。

you're sharpening that like you're gonna kill somebody.

=> 你正在锐化,就像你要杀人一样。

yeah, you.

=> 是的你。

you're late.

=> 你迟到了。

i was working in the laundry, and they wouldn't let me go.

=> 我正在洗衣服,他们不让我走。

i'm sorry.

=> 对不起。

i had a bad day.

=> 我今天过得不好。

you want to talk about it? it's in the past.

=> 你想谈谈吗?这是过去。

bixby, gonna meet me at south entrance of the arena.

=> 比克斯比,要在竞技场的南门迎接我。

access is restricted to v-2 and above.

=> 访问限于v-2及以上。

- can you get in? - yeah.

=> - 你能进去吗? - 是的。

do you understand? you can't be late.

=> 你明白吗?你不能迟到。

- what's going on? - you'll see.

=> - 这是怎么回事? - 你会看到的。

and, bixby, you can't tell anyone.

=> 而比克斯比,你不能告诉任何人。

you got it? she's more of a man than you.

=> 你说对了?她比你更像个男人

what's michael being so cryptic about? yeah, i'm alive.

=> 迈克尔如此神秘?是的,我还活着。

how? thick-headedness.

=> 怎么样?厚的头脑。

i haven't been able to decipher anything of substance from the tattoos.

=> 我无法破译纹身中的任何物质。

- can michael? - no.

=> - 迈克尔? - 没有

but more importantly, i found gabriel.

=> 但更重要的是,我找到了加百列。

what? i guess it was wishful thinking that he might have died in the bombings.

=> 什么?我想这是一厢情愿的想法,他可能在爆炸中死亡。

he built a fortress and an army of the possessed in the mountains outside of boulder.

=> 他在博尔德以外的山上建造了一个堡垒和一个被占领的军队。

they seem to have adapted.

=> 他们似乎已经适应了。

gabriel is massing for another war.

=> 加布里埃尔正在集结另一场战争。

it gets worse.

=> 它变得更糟。

a few of the higher angels have joined gabriel, and they can appear perfectly human.

=> 一些更高的天使加入了加百列,他们可以看起来完全人性化。

in the same way as michael and gabriel? yes.

=> 像迈克尔和加百列一样?是。

they belong to the second sphere of angels, the powers.

=> 他们属于天使的第二个领域,权力。

they were born to be warriors to keep the other angels in line, and like gabriel, some of them have always hated man.

=> 他们天生就是勇士,要把其他的天使放在一起,像加布里埃尔一样,他们中的一些人一直恨人。

the powers are far more dangerous than the angels that possessed mankind during the extermination.

=> 在灭绝时期,权力远比拥有人类的天使更危险。

i had hoped they would sit out this war.

=> 我本来希望他们坐这场战争。

gabriel's obviously persuaded some of them to join him.

=> 加布里埃尔显然说服了他们中的一些人加入他。

his name is furiad.

=> 他的名字叫furiad。

we should cancel the jubilee.

=> 我们应该取消禧年。

- alert the city.

=> - 提醒城市。

- agreed.

=> - 同意。

all of this has convinced me it's time to reveal the chosen one.

=> 所有这一切都说服了我,现在是时候揭开选定的一个。

- you know who it is? - yeah.

=> - 你知道是谁? - 是的。

who? we will tell you soon enough.

=> 谁?我们会尽快告诉你的。

i don't have time for this.

=> 我没有时间。

there's no chosen one, no one coming to save us.

=> 没有选择,没有人来拯救我们。

never was.

=> 从来不是。

we're the chosen ones, not some imaginary savior.

=> 我们是被选中的人,而不是一些想象中的救世主。

that isn't true.

=> 那是不正确的。

the savior's real.

=> 救世主的真实。

the baby lived.

=> 宝宝住了。

that's your delusion, not mine.

=> 那是你的错觉,不是我的。

so the baby lived.

=> 所以宝宝住了

many babies lived.

=> 许多婴儿活着。

we lived.

=> 我们住了。

hear them out, david.

=> 听到他们,大卫。

michael has never misled us.

=> 迈克尔从来没有误导我们。

michael may not be a mystery to you, madam consul, but he is to me.

=> 对于你来说,迈克尔可能不是个谜,但是他是对我的。

what were you planning on doing? find some random child, and tell us he's the baby? what proof do we have? how do we measure him, on your word alone? you have faith.

=> 你打算做什么?找一些随机的孩子,告诉我们他是孩子?我们有什么证据?我们如何衡量他,单凭你的话?你有信心。

oh, that died a long time ago, archangel, when your kind laid waste to my planet.

=> 哦,那个很久以前就死的大天使,当你的那种把我的星球浪费了。

and "war is coming"? not news to me.

=> 而“战争即将来临”?不是新闻给我。

it never ended.

=> 它从未结束。

we are the angels' natural enemy.

=> 我们是天使的天敌。

it won't be over until they're extinct or we are.

=> 直到它们灭绝或我们不会结束。

and what we have to do is prepare everyone for that inevitability.

=> 而我们要做的就是为所有人准备这个必然性。

lead them! and we lead them by attending the jubilee.

=> 领导他们!我们通过参加禧年带领他们。

people need a release from the stress of this city, but more important, they need something to inspire them.

=> 人们需要从这个城市的压力中释放出来,但更重要的是,他们需要一些启发他们的东西。

so, general, tonight has to go forward.

=> 所以,将军今晚必须前进。

we cannot cancel.

=> 我们不能取消。

after that, i mean, i'll be the first to reconvene here, roll my sleeves up, and do whatever it takes to keep us safe.

=> 在那之后,我的意思是,我会第一个在这里重新聚会,挽起袖子,尽一切可能保证我们的安全。

but don't ask me to put my faith in some child god.

=> 但是,不要要求我相信一些小孩的神。

a savior.

=> 救世主

i'll never do it again.

=> 我永远不会再做。

- how could you allow it? - allow what? - allow him to have you.

=> - 你怎么可以允许的? - 允许什么? - 让他拥有你。

- it's work, nothing more.

=> - 这是工作,没有更多。

evelyn won't see it that way.

=> 伊夫林不会这样看的。

i've got nothing to say to you.

=> 我无话可说。

then i'll do the talking.

=> 然后我会说话。

i never knew there were any pictures of my mother.

=> 我从来不知道有什么我母亲的照片。

this is the only one.

=> 这是唯一的一个。

it's been my good luck charm all these years.

=> 这些年来一直是我的好运气。

now it's yours.

=> 现在是你的了。

welcome, vega! tonight we celebrate our resilience, our fortitude, and our collective courage! every year we use this, our jubilee, to be reminded of the past, but also to look forward, and it is in that spirit of looking forward that i have an announcement to make of incredible importance to this, our beloved city, to vega! tonight tonight our city will become stronger.

=> 欢迎,维加!今晚我们庆祝我们的韧性,我们的毅力和我们的集体勇气!每年我们用这个,我们的禧年,提醒过去,也期待,正是在这种精神期待下,我有一个令人难以置信的重要性,我们心爱的城市,对维加!今晚今晚我们的城市将变得更加强大。

it will become unified, because tonight it is my great pleasure to announce the engagement of claire riesen to william whele.

=> 这将是统一的,因为今晚我很高兴宣布克莱尔·里森与威廉·韦尔的订婚。

come on, son.

=> 来吧,儿子。

come and take a bow.

=> 来鞠躬。


=> 来。

come on, claire.

=> 来吧,克莱尔

stand up.

=> 站起来。

through their marriage, we will join vega's two greatest houses, the house of riesen and whele, thus securing the safety and future of this wondrous city.

=> 通过他们的婚姻,我们将加入维加的两座最伟大的房子里森和韦勒,从而确保这个奇妙的城市的安全和未来。

now, as is our custom, at the jubilee, we celebrate the soldiers who stand on our walls, who protect us, keep us safe so that we can enjoy this life, but tonight we have something extra special.

=> 现在,正如我们习惯的那样,在禧年,我们庆祝站在我们的围墙上的士兵,他们保护我们,保证我们的安全,让我们享受这样的生活,但今晚我们还有一些特别的东西。

thomas ford is one of vega's greatest champions, a legend for killing with nothing but his knife.

=> 托马斯·福特是维加最伟大的冠军之一,这个传奇人物除了他的刀之外别无选择。

let's hear it for thomas.

=> 让我们听听托马斯。

well, thomas, it's time to meet the 23rd.

=> 那么,托马斯,是时候见面了。

okay, settle down now.

=> 好,现在就安顿下来

there's nothing to fear.

=> 没有什么可怕的

we are in complete control.

=> 我们完全控制。

you allowed him to bring one into the city? but it's good.

=> 你允许他把一个人带进城市吗?但是,这很好。

it's always good i had no idea.

=> 总是很好,我不知道。

it must be destroyed.



=> 加布里埃尔。

oh, my let's go.

=> 哦,我走吧

come on.

=> 来吧。

let's go! warning, security breach.

=> 我们走吧!警告,安全漏洞。

how did they get that close without us knowing? warning, security breach.

=> 他们是如何在我们不知道的情况下接近的警告,安全漏洞。

ah, hell.

=> 啊,地狱。

fire! code red.

=> 火!红色代码。

a citywide attack is imminent.

=> 全市范围内的袭击即将发生。

get claire and riesen to bunker eight.

=> 把claire和riesen带到八号堡。

stay there until i come and get you.

=> 留在那里,直到我来找你。

go, go! bunker eight! code red.

=> 去吧,走吧!碉堡八!红色代码。

a citywide attack is imminent.

=> 全市范围内的袭击即将发生。

bixby! bixby! bixby! bixby! bixby! code red, code red.

=> 比克斯比!比克斯比!比克斯比!比克斯比!比克斯比!红色代码,红色代码。

report to designated safe area.

=> 报告指定的安全区域。

get back! get back! let's go! move, people, this way! come on! bixby! bixby! - come on, come on! - alex! claire! i'm so sorry.

=> 回来!回来!我们走吧!移动,人,这样!来吧!比克斯比!比克斯比! - 好啦好啦! - 亚历克斯!克莱尔!我很抱歉。

i didn't know.

=> 我不知道

listen, we don't have enough time right now.

=> 听着,我们现在没有足够的时间。

we gotta get out of here.

=> 我们得离开这里

no, no, no, no, no! claire, claire, this way.

=> 不,不,不,不,不!克莱尔,克莱尔,这样。

go this way! - what am i looking at? - three angels, sir.

=> 走这条路! - 我在看什么?先生,三位天使

they breached the city's defenses.

=> 他们违反了城市的防御。

we managed to destroy one of them, but two made it over the wall.

=> 我们设法摧毁了其中一个,但是有两个在墙上。

- where are they headed? - the reactor, sir.

=> - 他们在哪里?先生,反应堆

incoming! fire! fire! _ _ _ _ let's go.

=> 来袭!火!火! _ _ _ _ 我们走吧。

leave right now, tonight.

=> 今晚离开吧

leave the city? it's under attack.

=> 离开这座城市?它受到攻击

- this is a code red.

=> - 这是一个红色代码。

- it's perfect.

=> - 这是完美的。

by the time they begin looking for us, we'll be half way to delphi.

=> 当他们开始寻找我们的时候,我们将会是德尔福的一半。

i can't.

=> 我不能。

not right now.

=> 不是现在。

my father needs me, and vega needs us.

=> 我的父亲需要我,维加需要我们。

we have to stay and protect the city.

=> 我们必须留下来保护这座城市。

we'll work this out.

=> 我们会解决这个问题

nobody is gonna tell me who to marry, alex.

=> 没有人会告诉我该嫁谁,亚历克斯。

what makes you think you're gonna have a choice, huh? if we go through that door, claire, we're staying.

=> 是什么让你觉得你会有选择,是吧?如果我们经过那扇门,克莱尔,我们留下来。

we're never gonna leave.

=> 我们永远不会离开。

alex, i promise.

=> alex,我保证。

i promise i will make this right.

=> 我保证我会做到这一点。

trust me.

=> 相信我。

please, don't leave me.

=> 请不要离开我

sir, what's sir, every camera in the city is dark.

=> 主席先生,先生,城市里的每一台摄影机都是黑暗的。

- what are you doing? - michael needs my help.

=> - 你在做什么? - 迈克尔需要我的帮助。

- michael can handle himself.

=> 迈克尔可以自己处理

- get out of my way.

=> - 走出我的路。

if this bunker's breached, all of vega's leaders are within these walls.

=> 如果这个地堡被破坏,维加的所有领导人都在这些围墙内。

claire? she's your responsibility.

=> 克莱尔?她是你的责任。

- you're needed here.

=> - 你需要在这里。

- i'm needed out there more.

=> - 我需要更多。

you can't help him now.

=> 你现在无法帮助他。

no one can.

=> 没人能。

it won't take long to restore power to vega.

=> 恢复vega的权力并不需要很长时间。

we'll soon get our defenses back online.

=> 我们很快就会把我们的防御措施重新上网。

i have every confidence in you, david.

=> 大卫,我对你充满信心。

i was so worried.

=> 我很担心

thank the savior you're all right.

=> 谢谢救星,你没事。

i am.

=> 我是。

stop firing! cease fire! i need a med kit! you're ready.

=> 停止射击!停火!我需要一个药盒!你准备好了。

i believe in you.

=> 我相信你。

you you are the chosen one.

=> 你是你的选择。

the last words from a dying brain.

=> 一个垂死的大脑的遗言。

the man was hallucinating.

=> 那个男人正在幻觉。


=> 荒谬。

get up.

=> 起床。

arrest her.

=> 逮捕她。

you have to believe me, david.

=> 你必须相信我,大卫。

we had no part in this.

=> 我们没有参与这个。

- and round up her entourage.

=> - 围拢她的随从。

- i had no idea what roan was.

=> - 我不知道罗恩是什么。

he was deceiving all of us.

=> 他欺骗了我们所有人。

what would we have to gain? - please think.

=> 我们将得到什么? - 请想想。

- i am.

=> - 我是。

general, please, you must listen to me.

=> 一般来说,你一定要听我的。

go! go! i don't want her hurt.

=> 走!走!我不想让她受伤

arresting arika could spark another war.

=> 逮捕arika可能引发另一场战争。

we're already at war.

=> 我们已经在战争中

they brought that thing into the city, and it killed jeep.

=> 他们把那东西带到这个城市,并杀死了吉普车。

and you unleashed that monstrosity at the jubilee.

=> 你在禧年释放了这个怪物。

how is this any different? you knew what you were doing.

=> 这有什么不同呢?你知道你在做什么

it's not sure that she did.

=> 不知道她做了什么。

vega has become unfocused, and so have you.

=> 维加已经变得不专心了,你也是。

my little demonstration couldn't have worked any better.

=> 我的小示范不能工作得更好。

now we'll all be ready for the battle that's coming.

=> 现在,我们将为即将到来的战斗做好准备。

so, alex lannon, show us your arms.

=> 所以alex lannon向我们展示了你的手臂。

who's that? bixby.

=> 那是谁?比克斯比。

- designation? - v-1.

=> - 指定? - v-1。

v-1 what what is she doing here? she's with me.

=> v-1她在这里干什么?她跟我在一起

she's under my protection.

=> 她受到我的保护。

the protection of house riesen.

=> 议院riesen的保护。

well, she better be able to keep a secret, because no one here is gonna breathe a word of this to anyone until we've figured out what it all means.

=> 那么,她最好能保守秘密,因为在我们弄清楚这一切意味着什么之前,没有人会对这个人说这个话。

- is that understood? - she'll be quiet.

=> - 这是理解?她会安静的

i promise.

=> 我承诺。

i'm fine.

=> 我很好。

what happened? the reactor was damaged, but containment held for now.

=> 发生了什么?反应堆已经损坏,但现在已经收容了。

the boy was an angel, another member of the powers.

=> 这个男孩是天使,另一个大国。

that's why he was able to pass through our scanners.

=> 这就是为什么他能够通过我们的扫描仪。

jeep was right.

=> 吉普是正确的。

more than one higher angel has joined gabriel in his war against us.

=> 加布里埃尔在与我们的战争中加入了一个以上的天使。

cover up.

=> 掩饰。

make sure none of the tattoos show.

=> 确保没有纹身显示。

alex is the baby i saved all those years ago.

=> 亚历克斯是我多年前保存的宝贝。

he's under my protection.

=> 他受到我的保护

i don't believe this alex lannon is the chosen one or even that the baby was ever real.

=> 我不相信这个亚历克斯·兰农是被选中的,甚至是那个婴儿是真实的。

you saw the tattoos.

=> 你看到了纹身。

you saw what happened.

=> 你看到发生了什么事。

i saw the tattoos transfer from jeep to alex, but i've seen more extraordinary things happen since this insanity began.

=> 我看到了从吉普到亚历克斯的纹身,但是从疯狂开始以来,我看到了更多不寻常的事情。

the tattoos are a harbinger of what's to come.

=> 纹身是未来的预兆。

they will usher in a period of hope.

=> 他们将迎来一个希望的时期。

save it for your flock, william.

=> 保存你的羊群,威廉。

religious theater is one thing.

=> 宗教戏剧是一回事。

this is politics.

=> 这是政治。

my faith is not a theater, nor is it a delusion.

=> 我的信仰不是戏剧,也不是幻想。

i don't know what it all means, but i'm not bowing to anyone, and you aren't either.

=> 我不知道这是什么意思,但我不向任何人鞠躬,而你也不是。

alex lannon is now our greatest threat, and claire riesen is in love with him, which makes your union that much harder.

=> 亚历克斯·兰农现在是我们最大的威胁,克莱尔·里森爱上了他,这让你们的联盟变得更加困难。

what? you're wrong.

=> 什么?你错了。

oh, william, come on.

=> 哦,威廉,来吧。

i'm sorry, but your feelings for claire have obviously blinded you to what was plain to see in that room, which makes it more imperative than ever that we take full control of vega.

=> 我很抱歉,但是你对克莱尔的感觉显然已经让你对这个房间里的事情一无所知,这使得我们完全控制维加更加迫切。

evelyn isn't gonna like us holding arika in prison.

=> 伊夫林不会像我们在监狱里拿阿里卡一样。

riesen thought she was innocent.

=> 里森认为她是无辜的。

she seemed to be speaking the truth when she said she had no idea what roan was.

=> 当她说她不知道罗恩是什么时,她似乎在说真话。

i don't care.

=> 我不在乎。

that city is full of assassins.

=> 那个城市里满是刺客

you were never alone.


what? when jeep left, you were never alone.

=> 什么?吉普车离开时,你从来不孤单。

i watched over you.

=> 我看着你。

i made sure you joined the army.

=> 我确定你加入了军队。

i formed the archangel corps so that i could stay close to you without arousing suspicion.

=> 我组建了天使军,这样我就可以靠近你而不会引起怀疑。

everything was done so you could train in secret.

=> 一切都完成了,所以你可以秘密训练。

no one could know who you were.

=> 没有人知道你是谁。

am i supposed to thank you thank jeep for all of this? no, it just is.

=> 我应该感谢你感谢吉普所有这一切?不,它只是。

as your father, jeep held the tattoos on his body for when you were ready.

=> 作为你的父亲,jeep在你准备好的时候把纹身放在他的身上。

he knew it might mean his death.

=> 他知道这可能意味着他的死亡。

i'm not ready.

=> 我还没有准备好。

- i'm no savior.

=> 我不是救世主

- you are.

=> - 你是。

it's up to you to decipher the tattoos.

=> 这是由你来破译纹身。

i bore them on my body before they were transferred onto jeep's, but they were always meant for the chosen one.

=> 在他们被转移到吉普车之前,我把它们放在我的身上,但是它们一直都是为了选择的。

first the tattoos were on you.

=> 首先纹身是在你身上。

then they were on jeep.

=> 然后他们在吉普车上。

then they're on me.

=> 然后,他们在我身上。

how do i know they're not meant for someone else? what are they? our fate our hope written in a language long since forgotten, one even i don't know.

=> 我怎么知道他们不是为了别人?他们是什么?我们的命运我们的希望是用一种早已被遗忘的语言写成的,甚至我不知道。

can you show them to me? can you read them? - i can't.

=> 你可以把它们展示给我吗?你可以阅读吗? - 我不能。

- you must.

=> - 你必须。

this is war, and only one side can win.

=> 这是战争,只有一方能赢。

what's in those tattoos will guide you through what's to come.

=> 那些纹身上的东西会引导你去做什么。

they will lay out the path through which mankind can be redeemed and gabriel and his legions pushed back, but this path will not be easily traversed.

=> 他们将铺设人类可以被赎回的路径,加布里埃尔和他的军团被推倒,但是这条路不会轻易被穿越。

at every step, you must choose which course to take.

=> 在每一步,你必须选择哪个课程。

i believe you are the only one that can end this war.

=> 我相信你是唯一可以结束这场战争的人。

i'm just a man, michael.

=> 我只是一个男人,迈克尔。

how can you be sure? nothing is ever certain, but jeep had hope, alex.

=> 你怎么确定?没有什么可以肯定的,但吉普有希望,亚历克斯。

he had faith in you, and so do i.

=> 他对你有信心,我也是。


=> 尝试。

can you discern anything? no.

=> 你能辨别什么吗?没有。

my son, william.

=> 我的儿子威廉。

we found him.

=> 我们发现他。
