


荣格危机 (2018)


主演:Martial Le Minoux  Karim Tougui  Pauline Moingeon Vallès  

导演:Baptiste Gaubert  又名:





关于《荣格危机》(crisis jung)"

最近,漫迪字幕组 翻译了 2018 年的法国片《荣格危机》。


  • 小耶稣为痛苦的代表、暴力的化身,在人间撒播仇恨,后代依次为 tenderness(柔情)、tolerance(宽容)、confidence(信心)、charity(仁慈)、compassion(怜悯)、maturity(成熟)和 fortitude(刚毅);
  • compassion(怜悯)的招数是“以其人之道,还治其人之身”(或“以彼之道,还施彼身”);
  • fortitude(刚毅)卸了铠甲、砍了右手、点燃自己后再与荣格决斗;
  • 小耶稣的后代都是他自己拉出来的屎,靠模具塑形成蛋;

  • 抗拒不幸会使普通村民变成暴力信徒,暴力信徒也可变回普通村民;暴力信徒的下体是电锯;
  • 村民只剩男性,村长会指定个别村民戴上头巾、来假扮村中孩子的母亲;“假母亲”被暴力信徒的铁链锁住后会变为女性,成为小耶稣的供品;
  • 某普通村民戴上亡者的红头巾后立马化身英雄,依靠信物来壮胆;

  • 每次荣格被击飞后,泪水会召唤出大手进行心理治疗;召唤暴力变身,荣格拥有红色指甲和丰满胸部,挤压后者能射出激光,荣格还可以喝自己的暴力乳汁;
  • 荣格需要越过“无人环及之渊”,自己以为跨越该渊的桥在渊边,故向村长询问如何环绕该渊一周(而没有问怎么跨过该渊);白白环绕一周后才发现,跨越该渊的桥在悬崖下而不在渊边上;
  • 荣格的“受人滋养”即为“吞噬“:吞噬拥有怜悯特质的良娼玛丽(拥有怜悯特质的良娼玛丽直到被吞噬前才感觉被接纳);有经验且克制的荣格吞噬掉野蛮随性的食人魔以变成熟;吞噬掉身边的英雄伙伴以获得勇气;
  • 被打败后,荣格质疑召唤暴力是否正确,顿悟后召唤“暴力 x1000”来击败暴力本身——小耶稣;
  • 玛莉亚复活后,期待重归于好的荣格被她忽略并击飞,只好看破一切并被“灵体荣格”吞噬融合,方才得以与玛莉亚重聚。


1. despair

yes, playing the victim. a classic. you feel powerless in the face of the world, young man. that boiling blood (made by the unbearable despair with a power that repulses you) you speak of, don't you think it could be put to good use? use the power lying dormant with you.

no one is suffering, except those who deal in suffering themselves.

falling in love? i don't do that anymore. despair, oh despair. you've clouded love everywhere.

2. tenderness

what is tenderness? i feel i am unable to feel that emotion, impotent to express the merest feeling (because of the despair).

impotence is the affliction of those who try to control everything. try to let loose. let your feelings speak for you.

tenderness, oh tenderness. i never knew your sweet caress. of you i had no need, or so i believed.

3. tolerence

fear of the other, evidently. your high opinion of yourself closes you off from difference. but, to discover the other, is it not to discover the world? and to discover the world, to discover yourself? open yourself up, young man.

4. confidence

the more my confidence grows, the more powerful i become. and the more powerful i become, the more my confidence grows. i feed on my own confidence.

i put my confidence in rick breal. and look where it led us. how can i have confidence in someone when i cannot even have confidence in myself?

they call you confidence and i've made you mine. you'll follow me everywhere like a faithful canine. confidence, taming you was not without risk.

5. charity

rest? i don't do that anymore.

charity, oh charity. back then i did not think things through, now i'm only thinking of you.

6. compassion

you understand the importance of being nurtured by others.

7. maturity

i am experience, i am intuition. i am temperance, i am spontaneity. i am the elder and the child. i am maturity.

i was so sure i knew where i am going. i thought i was acting like an adult. am i right in pursuing that dream? is my quest for maria foolish?

you've mistaken certainty for maturity. a classic. this request is a unique opportunity to discover who you are, however it may end.

i won many fights without knowing how they would end.

8. fortitude

to outdo oneself. isn't it simply to learn? to be nurtured by others.

fortitude, you're so intoxicating. your heart of steel, ever burning. but burn too bright and then you're gone. true fortitude is to live on.


